Safe Place
Oh for a safe place
to store my soul
Perhaps a
locked box high on a
shelf with its only key,
adorning a smooth chain
around my neck?
no harsh words,
angry people,
or ugly retoric
will reach it there
a great steel vault
deep under ground,
its combination
my secret to keep.
no war,
or leeching loneliness
will find it there
A secret island
far out to sea,
a clever map
sketched in invisible ink!
no judgements,
unmet needs, or
past failures
will search for it there
Oh for a safe place
to store my soul

it rests
in flesh and bone
quickly pierced
slow to heal
a tender, quivering
thing with no defense
at all
Oh the despair,
at having no place
to store my soul
Another well worded piece of writing. Well done, Alice!