I Stopped By Today

I stopped by today
to water plants
pet the old dog
who surely misses me
Everything was much the same
as when I left you
took a four-month road trip
of self-imposed self-discovery
Looking closely though
I spot subtle differences
my photo missing
a single toothbrush in the holder
I stand there a moment
taking it in
your new life
one without me
You moved your pillow
to my side of the bed
reading glasses and neatly stacked papers
reveal your nighttime presence there
I wonder about this change
maybe my light was better
maybe you miss me
questions I have no right to ask
Plants watered
the dog made to feel loved
I leave a note by your/my light
I stopped by today
and then
I love you
Small gut-punches are often the most poignant. Whew.