the place is packed
vintage camper vans
a rainbow of tents
shiny pickup trucks
pulling color-coordinated pop-ups,
a display akin
to the plumage of strutting roosters
single women, take the bait
move in close
shy, easily spooked
by pretentious mansplaining
but interested,
oh, definitely interested!

campsite settled
towels slung over shoulders
bodies slip into rock-hewn tubs
sink down,
with sighs of contentment
an afternoon breeze
rustles cottonwoods
which, in turn
drop medallions of gold
into steaming pools
hands reach out,
scoop, then toss
the desire to tidy
always with us

damp hair towel-dries
as sun slides behind
juniper studded hillsides
Autumn air settles into hollows
campfires blaze
hot dogs, s’mores, cheap red wine
friends swap tales
already told
comfort in the repeat
tucked into bed by 9:00
full moon mocking
efforts to sleep
cozy mummy bag cocoons
early morning
szhoop of tent zippers
click, click, whoosh
then, HISS from Jet Boil burners
perched on picnic tables
damp with morning dew
dog tags jingle - jangle - jingle
toenails find the illusive itch
noses touch, tails wag,
greetings exchanged
on the
morning pee path
thwack of an ax
cold toes and cold noses
quickly warmed by
a crackling fire,
steam from enamel coffee cups
check out
not till 11:00
sturdy shoes, leash snaps
the wild calls
summer storms
come and gone
the Gila River
a gentle stream
in knee-deep eddies
bulbous tadpoles scatter
before the scuff of
ghostly toes
settle down
only to be spooked again
all packed up
tail-gates slam
hugs exchanged
calendars consulted
next year?
same place?
same time?
yes, let’s
To the ultimate campers: Ann, Susan, and Sonia, who we missed dreadfully
Wow, just wow. I was there in my mind and so badly wanted to be in body. Great writing!