Oh, there you are!
way up high
dark smudge winging
against sea of sky
sleek glossy raven
symbol of death
or perhaps prophet,
the herald in myth
blue slips beneath
your upturned wing
a birds-eye view
of lesser beings
of rabbits, deer
turtles and wrens
lizards, squirrels
bears and of men
If I stand still
harken my ear
will you tell me things
I long most to hear?
is GOD for real?
does Love ever win?
a reason for Heartache,
what waits at the End
the why of War
world swimming in Death
a small child Starving
Exhaling last breath
the Wailing of women
while fathers Wield guns
Follow the dictates of politicians
I pose my questions
voice floating on wind
woman to wild
end to begin
can you hear me,
will you descend,
bring comfort and wisdom
the gift of a friend?

glint of eye
curve of beak
slow downward spiral
you land on the peak
of a skeleton tree
under which I am standing
preen your feathers
rumpled from landing
you answer not
despite caw and clack
cruel beak clicking
all shiny and black
I wipe away tears
take a deep breath
release my burden
of misery and death
thank you dear Corvid
for hearing my woes
I am grateful and touched
but I want you to know
I realize this kinship
is all in my head,
you landed just hoping
I would drop dead
“ ‘Never more’, quothe the raven, ‘Never more’ “.